Contemplating ideas, observations and thoughts about our relationship with non-human animals Blog

Cow and Calf at Uncle Neil’s Home sanctuary 6

Dairy – a dark story

Charlotte, a pregnant cow, who could hardly walk, was rescued from a dairy farm by Uncle Neil’s Home sanctuary, which offered her a loving home. She gave birth to Valentino, after overcoming a severe foot infection—a common affliction among dairy cows. Despite the fact that all of Charlotte’s previous babies were taken from her, a standard...

plant-based alternatives 11

My favorite plant-based swaps!

Going vegan has never been easier with lots of delicious plant-based swaps on the market and plenty of new ones rapidly and constantly appearing on the scene. There are vegan alternatives for every animal-based food imaginable, and they are sustainable, cruelty free, and without cholesterol. Imagine that! Ditching dairy, meat, and eggs from your diet is...

Vegan Charcuterie 11

Wondering about a plant-based diet?

What do you eat? I’m often asked that question once people find out I’m vegan. The answer may surprise you—lots of good stuff. Plant-based food is yummy, nutritious, satisfying, and diverse. Legumes, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are the foundation for delicious dishes which provide me with the nutrients I need. If that’s not...

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An interview with Rita Anderson – animal rights activist

Rita Anderson is a person you meet once in a lifetime. She’s compassionate, brave, passionate, and has a clear set of values. Fortunately, she’s also a good friend of mine. Following her values, she has worked tirelessly and selflessly to help defenseless animals. When I met Rita, I thought I loved animals and was sensitive to...


What about the next pandemic?

A recent United Nations report, Preventing the Next Pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission, warns us of the rise in emergence of animal-borne diseases due to exploitation of wildlife and habitat destruction, a result of our increased demand for animal protein. The report recommends to reduce this demand.


My Thanksgiving discoveries

Years ago, when I first arrived to the U.S. from Israel, I didn’t know much about Thanksgiving. The impression I got from the people around me and the media, was that the focus of the holiday is food, more specifically the turkey. I confess, as someone who is very fond of birds, viewing turkeys as food,...


Superiority, who is the other and why?

Dedicated to my beloved father, Israel Katz, 1924-2002 Superiority. Exploitation. Injustice. Violence. Those loaded words are front and center in our lives. I care deeply about those issues. It was my family’s history that initially ignited my thinking and shaped my views about them. It eventually led me to my passion and activism for the ultimate...

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Berlin, veganism and the coronavirus

Upon returning from a recent trip to Berlin we looked forward to writing a blog post about this thought provoking city and our vegan culinary adventures. Alas, it was mid March, and within a few days our world had changed drastically – the coronavirus wreaked havoc everywhere. We were apprehensive about sharing our delicious dining experiences...

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Confession of a Tree Hugger

One of my favorite things in the world is trees. I’ve planted them since I was a kid. It’s an exquisite pleasure placing their delicate roots in the soil and watching them grow, harbor animals, and change with the seasons. So, you’d think I’d be elated reading the news about the initiative to combat climate change...


Vegan in Colombia

If you’ve watched Narcos, you might not place Colombia at the top of your travel destination list, and that was my mistake. But when a family member recommended we visit that country I realized that it brings together some of my favorite travel interests – the magnificent Caribbean beaches and the rainforest. And not only that,...

Nine Fish with One Eye Each by Sue Coe 8

Who is the invasive one?

PBS NewsHour is a TV program I rarely miss. I consider their reporting reliable and non-sensational. However, recently they’ve reported obsessively about the Asian carp as an “invasive” species in the Great Lakes, and suggested that eating the fish is a good solution. A few friends asked for my opinion on the topic. Should we eat...