Category: Animals as Food


What about the next pandemic?

A recent United Nations report, Preventing the Next Pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission, warns us of the rise in emergence of animal-borne diseases due to exploitation of wildlife and habitat destruction, a result of our increased demand for animal protein. The report recommends to reduce this demand.


My Thanksgiving discoveries

Years ago, when I first arrived to the U.S. from Israel, I didn’t know much about Thanksgiving. The impression I got from the people around me and the media, was that the focus of the holiday is food, more specifically the turkey. I confess, as someone who is very fond of birds, viewing turkeys as food,...

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Berlin, veganism and the coronavirus

Upon returning from a recent trip to Berlin we looked forward to writing a blog post about this thought provoking city and our vegan culinary adventures. Alas, it was mid March, and within a few days our world had changed drastically – the coronavirus wreaked havoc everywhere. We were apprehensive about sharing our delicious dining experiences...

Nine Fish with One Eye Each by Sue Coe 8

Who is the invasive one?

PBS NewsHour is a TV program I rarely miss. I consider their reporting reliable and non-sensational. However, recently they’ve reported obsessively about the Asian carp as an “invasive” species in the Great Lakes, and suggested that eating the fish is a good solution. A few friends asked for my opinion on the topic. Should we eat...


The paradox of the holiday

I’m writing this post during Passover, a holiday which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. As the years pass by, I’m more inclined to contemplate on the relevance and meaning of the holidays I celebrate, and to be inspired by them. Passover is a time to appreciate freedom but also to mull over the evils...

Rescued mother cow and her calf 12

What’s wrong with dairy?

(Last Updated On: May 12, 2023) What is wrong with drinking dairy milk? Nothing, if you are a calf, your mother’s milk is the best food and produced especially for you. But if you are a human, a lot is wrong with buying and consuming dairy products. For many years I blindly consumed dairy products. “Cows...


What about “humane” meat?

What about “humane” meat? What if an animal lived a good life and then was slaughtered? Those are some of the questions I get asked often. My simple answer is, there is no such thing as “humane” meat; it’s a euphemism, an oxymoron. Humane is “marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals”. How...


“Now I can look at you in peace…”

Food is tasty! It’s the basis of our life, comforting and at the center of our social, cultural and religious events: holidays, weddings, parties. But what do we know about our food and why don’t we know it? For instance, tomatoes. Whether you have grown tomato plants or not, you know that a tomato seed germinates...


I’m not giving thanks

When I first arrived to the U.S. years ago, I did not know much about Thanksgiving. The impression I got from the people around me, and the media, was that the primary focus of the holiday is food, more specifically the turkey. As someone who considers chickens and turkeys as birds, not food, I felt aversion...