Tagged: Calves

Cow and Calf at Uncle Neil’s Home sanctuary 6

Dairy – a dark story

Charlotte, a pregnant cow, who could hardly walk, was rescued from a dairy farm by Uncle Neil’s Home sanctuary, which offered her a loving home. She gave birth to Valentino, after overcoming a severe foot infection—a common affliction among dairy cows. Despite the fact that all of Charlotte’s previous babies were taken from her, a standard...

alt=“Mary Had a Little Lamb (Then She Ate It)” 15

You don’t need to love animals

“I love animals”, how often do I hear or read this seemingly pleasant assertion. The word ‘love’ signifies the deepest affection for another. According to Merriam-Webster, one of the word’s definition is: “unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. For me, loving someone means you want the best for them. You’d think that...

Rescued mother cow and her calf 14

What’s wrong with dairy?

(Last Updated On: May 12, 2023) What is wrong with drinking dairy milk? Nothing, if you are a calf, your mother’s milk is the best food and produced especially for you. But if you are a human, a lot is wrong with buying and consuming dairy products. For many years I blindly consumed dairy products. “Cows...