Tagged: eggs

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Berlin, veganism and the coronavirus

Upon returning from a recent trip to Berlin we looked forward to writing a blog post about this thought provoking city and our vegan culinary adventures. Alas, it was mid March, and within a few days our world had changed drastically – the coronavirus wreaked havoc everywhere. We were apprehensive about sharing our delicious dining experiences...

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You don’t need to love animals

“I love animals”, how often do I hear or read this seemingly pleasant assertion. The word ‘love’ signifies the deepest affection for another. According to Merriam-Webster, one of the word’s definition is: “unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. For me, loving someone means you want the best for them. You’d think that...


The paradox of the holiday

I’m writing this post during Passover, a holiday which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. As the years pass by, I’m more inclined to contemplate on the relevance and meaning of the holidays I celebrate, and to be inspired by them. Passover is a time to appreciate freedom but also to mull over the evils...