Tagged: nonhuman animals

alt="2 out of the 11 monkeys experimented on at CU who were sent to a sanctuary" 20

An interview with Rita Anderson – animal rights activist

Rita Anderson is a person you meet once in a lifetime. She’s compassionate, brave, passionate, and has a clear set of values. Fortunately, she’s also a good friend of mine. Following her values, she has worked tirelessly and selflessly to help defenseless animals. When I met Rita, I thought I loved animals and was sensitive to...


Superiority, who is the other and why?

Dedicated to my beloved father, Israel Katz, 1924-2002 Superiority. Exploitation. Injustice. Violence. Those loaded words are front and center in our lives. I care deeply about those issues. It was my family’s history that initially ignited my thinking and shaped my views about them. It eventually led me to my passion and activism for the ultimate...

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Berlin, veganism and the coronavirus

Upon returning from a recent trip to Berlin we looked forward to writing a blog post about this thought provoking city and our vegan culinary adventures. Alas, it was mid March, and within a few days our world had changed drastically – the coronavirus wreaked havoc everywhere. We were apprehensive about sharing our delicious dining experiences...

Nine Fish with One Eye Each by Sue Coe 8

Who is the invasive one?

PBS NewsHour is a TV program I rarely miss. I consider their reporting reliable and non-sensational. However, recently they’ve reported obsessively about the Asian carp as an “invasive” species in the Great Lakes, and suggested that eating the fish is a good solution. A few friends asked for my opinion on the topic. Should we eat...

alt=“Mary Had a Little Lamb (Then She Ate It)” 15

You don’t need to love animals

“I love animals”, how often do I hear or read this seemingly pleasant assertion. The word ‘love’ signifies the deepest affection for another. According to Merriam-Webster, one of the word’s definition is: “unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. For me, loving someone means you want the best for them. You’d think that...

In the English language, pigs top all other animals in being the subject of disparaging idioms 13

About words and so much more

Dedicated to my husband, Marc Perlish, who was the driving force behind the subject of this blog post Words are powerful and important. They mirror our worldview, values and relationships with others. They also influence and shape our behavior and actions. That’s true when it comes to nonhuman animals; how we talk and write about them...


The paradox of the holiday

I’m writing this post during Passover, a holiday which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. As the years pass by, I’m more inclined to contemplate on the relevance and meaning of the holidays I celebrate, and to be inspired by them. Passover is a time to appreciate freedom but also to mull over the evils...