What’s wrong with dairy?

What is wrong with drinking dairy milk? Nothing, if you are a calf, your mother’s milk is the best food and produced especially for you. But if you are a human, a lot is wrong with buying and consuming dairy products.
For many years I blindly consumed dairy products. “Cows need to be milked otherwise they’ll be in pain”–a ridiculous misconception which, I’m embarrassed to admit, I believed and didn’t question. That’s surprising since even as a kid I knew that female mammals, a woman or a dog, need to be pregnant and give birth in order to have milk. Somehow I didn’t ask myself how come cows have enough milk for everyone to drink all the time, and why would a cow be in pain if she isn’t milked? Wouldn’t she breastfeed her babies? When a friend told me some facts about the life of dairy cows and their newborns, I read and learned about it, and was horrified by the truth. I was also shocked by my own long time ignorance and blindness.
Let’s look behind the scenes of the dairy milk production, spoiler alert, it’s a dark story. Cows, like human mothers, carry their babies for nine months and produce milk when they are pregnant and give birth. So how do cows in the dairy industry continue lactating in order to maintain a steady supply of milk for humans? First, female cows are forcibly impregnated, mostly through artificial insemination. The cows are strapped to a rack, referred to by the industry as a “rape rack”, and then inseminated by a person inserting their arm into the cow’s rectum to position the uterus, and forcing the artificial insemination gun with semen into her vagina.[1] This takes place for the first time when a cow is about one year old, and then every year after. The semen is collected from bulls who are either coaxed to ejaculate into an “artificial vagina,” or forced via electroejaculation – shoving a probe into a bull’s rectum and shocking his pelvic nerves.
This is not the only appalling piece of the dairy story. If not for humans, a mother cow would nurse her baby for nine to twelve months, and she would bond with her calf similarly to other mammal mothers. However, newborn calves are forcibly taken away from their mothers within a few hours to a few days. Mother cow, like a human mother, mourns the loss of her babies. She’ll bellow for days (one case of such cries alarmed residents living nearby a dairy farm), pace, and may stop eating.
But what happens to the calves? Male calves are considered a surplus to all the dairy farmers and are often not desired breeds for “beef” production, so they are sold to the veal industry. They spend their brief life confined or chained in stalls. Space is restricted to stop them from moving as this makes the meat redder and tougher. The calves, being unable to move, must stand in their excrement. They’re restricted to an iron deficient diet that consists mainly of liquid milk-replacement and antibiotics. Their life typically lasts for eighteen to twenty weeks, and their white, tender meat known as “veal” is sold for a premium price, and around 10% of them die from their harsh living conditions prior to slaughter.[2]
Their unnatural environment and stressful conditions lead to a high incidence of stereotypic behavior and illnesses. In the UK more than 90,000 male dairy calves are shot soon after birth every year because there is no market for them. Female calves will be raised to replace their mothers and spend their first two months of life isolated or, in group pens, motherless. It has been demonstrated that both mother cows and calves possess intelligence and emotional sensitivity, and suffer as a result of this cruel separation.
After her baby is taken away from her, the mother is put to work. In most dairy operations in the U.S. and other countries, cows are being milked on hard concrete floors, connected to milking machines. They are subjected to routine painful procedures such as tattooing, ear tagging, and tail cutting, which are often performed without anesthesia. Those practices stem from the industry’s desire to maximize profits while minimizing costs.[3]
And as with any business where animals are exploited for profit and human benefit, and used as tools and commodities, animal cruelty is inherent and rampant. “Every single time that we send investigators undercover into America’s factory farms, they emerge with startling evidence of animal cruelty and neglect,” said Nathan Runkle, executive director of Mercy for Animals in an ABC News report about a New York dairy operation supplying milk used for cheese by Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, and Domino’s. An investigator for Mercy for Animals has revealed that the cows in this dairy operation never go outside, have the ends of their tails cut off in painful procedures without anesthesia, and are abused by workers.
CBS and other media outlets reported about extreme abuse and killing of newborn calves and cows at Daisy Farms. An undercover investigator with Mercy For Animals documented horrific animal cruelty at the largest dairy producer in Canada.
Those are just a few examples, and there are more in the US and other countries. But even without the purposeful cruelty, the daily life of cows is abusive. They are milked day after day, year after year; annually being taken back to the “rape rack”, and after giving birth, they’ll be milked while mourning the loss of their babies again. Cows can live to 20 years, however, those raised for dairy are sent to slaughter around the young age of four and their exhausted bodies are processed into ground beef for fast food hamburgers or supermarket retail.
Turning cows into milk machines causes production-related diseases, mainly lameness and mastitis (udder infections), which are the two leading causes of dairy cow mortality in the US.[4] Lameness is caused by foot infections or leg problems, which stem from improper nutrition and exacerbated by standing in feces or water soaked areas.[5]
Those who consume dairy cause needless misery to wonderful and intelligent animals, being willfully ignorant, with the sole purpose of pleasing the taste buds. The sad truth is that there is no biological need for adults nor children to consume animal’s milk. Adults and children can get all the nutrients they need, such as, protein, calcium and potassium, from grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fortified plant-based foods. These foods are not only nutritious and healthy, but they don’t contain the hormones, antibiotics and pus found in animal’s milk. Moreover, recent studies have shown that milk is bad for you, and yet its consumption is promoted by the industry and the government. Cow’s milk can promote weight gain, cancer, and cause osteoporosis.
And let’s not forget the extreme harm that all dairy farms cause to the environment. Beyond its vast greenhouse gas emissions, wasteful water use and water pollution, the dairy sector contributes to air pollution, zoonotic pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, biodiversity loss and soil degradation.[6]
The market is flooded with a huge variety of many delicious and healthy nut and grain-based products. Explore them at your local grocery store and check out my favorites here. And for those who rely on their taste buds to tell them what’s good for them, remember, most of us were programmed to consume dairy products since infancy. Once you ditch dairy and try plant-based cheeses, milks and ice creams, you will get accustomed to the new flavors quickly. Most importantly, know that dairy isn’t only unhealthy but that you’re making an ethical choice. You’re saving the lives of sentient beings who’re as wonderful as your dog and cat. When I see cheese, a glass of milk, or a cookie made with dairy butter, I’m disgusted as I envision all the endless suffering and death those products caused.
Sentient beings are NOT ours to exploit and use. Their bodies are theirs, their babies belong to them and their life matters to them. Even if cows or goats were raised with love as companion animals, I would not drink their milk, just as I wouldn’t drink my dog’s milk if she had any. Mothers’ milk is intended to nourish her babies, period. It’s not mine and I would not steal it just because I can.
I feel regret and deep sorrow for all the misery I caused those beautiful animals for so many years by consuming their milk. I beg all of you who were not aware of the facts, now that you know, please stop this inhumane treatment of mothers and their babies. I implore you, don’t buy dairy products that are based on sexual violations, destruction of motherhood, abuse, killing of baby animals, along with polluting the planet. Ditch dairy today and choose plant-based swaps for a compassionate and sustainable world!
To learn more about the dairy industry you can read the following:
Business Insider–They finally figured out what to do with old dairy cows
Forbes–Milk Of Human Kindness Denied To Dairy Cows
Free from Harm–10 Dairy Facts the Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
Wikipedia–Dairy cattle
[1] How To Artificially Inseminate Cows and Heifers. Retrieved 8/30/2016
[2] David S. Turk, Detailed Discussion of Cattle Laws, Michigan State University College of Law, 2007. Retrieved 8/30/2016
[3] Richard L. Wallace, Market Cows: A Potential Profit Center, University of Illinois Extension, 3/13/2002. Retrieved 8/30/2016
[4] How Big A Problem Is Dairy Cow Mortality In The US?, The Cattle Site, 2011. Retrieved 8/30/2016
[5] Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, s.v. “Dairy cattle“. Retrieved 8/30/2016
[6] Pope, D. H., Karlsson, J. O., Baker, P., & McCoy, D. (2021). Examining the Environmental Impacts of the Dairy and Baby Food Industries: Are First-Food Systems a Crucial Missing Part of the Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems Agenda Now Underway?. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(23), 12678. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312678. Retrieved 5/12/2023
Disgusting! Horrifying! It breaks my heart. I am trying to cut out dairy entirely (I’ve been eating cheese and yogurt) – I think this is the push I needed. I have found almond milk to be a good substitute for milk – tastes great. Thanks for sharing. XO, C
Thank you Camilla. It’s very gratifying and good to know that my blog post encouraged you to eliminate dairy completely! Every step we make in removing dairy products helps in reducing the harm done to precious sentient beings. Glad you found almond milk tasty; I tried this new pea based milk, Ripple. I find it tastier than all the other milks. In addition it has the same amount of protein as dairy milk, and more potassium, vitamin D and calcium. If you try it, please let me know…
Once more, Zahava, you have nailed it. I, too, grew up drinking milk and eating dairy products. I could not imagine what was wrong with it. Thankfully, my eyes were opened some time ago, so I now know the grief and misery caused to these beautiful beings. How must it be for them to be violated in so many ways, including having that heavy, metal “milking machine” attached day in and day out? Thank you for helping to open so many eyes to the suffering people caused by consuming dairy products. I think of Albert Schweitzer when he said, “THINK OCCASIONALLY OF THE SUFFERING OF WHICH YOU SPARE YOURSELF THE SIGHT.” Out of sight, out of mind is not good enough. I ask people to actually think about (and act accordingly) what they are doing when they consume dairy.
Many thanks Rita for your kind words, and even more, for being the one who told me about the sad reality of the dairy industry; the enslavement and miserable life of cows whose milk I consumed thoughtlessly. You opened my eyes, and started me on the road to knowledge and insight into animal exploitation which persists far beyond the meat industry. For that I’ll be forever grateful.
A very powerful article, Zahava. All your writings have an influence on me. Slowly but surely I will replace more animal products with the vegan kind.
Many thanks Vered. Knowing that my ideas are influencing you makes all my work worthwhile. So glad you are feeling the importance of these issues and taking action. I feel that a conscious and empathetic way of making choices in our daily life, not only helps the animals, but it’s also empowering and gratifying. I hope you and everyone else who make such choices will be rewarded as well.
Zahava your article was eye opening. We tend to not think about how our food is produced when it is purchased in final packaging at the grocery store. Believing milk products are a “lesser evil” than beef products is in fact a wrong conclusion by most of us. Thank you for sharing the detailed information about dairy production and the sad treatment of farm animals. I have already switched to cashew and almond milk and find them delicious!
Thank you Sari. I agree that we do not think of how our food is produced, and indeed animals in the dairy industry suffer no less than those in the meat industry, and in fact they are part of it. Thanks for thinking about the animals and taking steps to minimize their suffering. When more and more of us stop consuming dairy products, less cows and calves will have to go through this abusive life.
Thank you for inspiring me Zahava. This is the first time I’ve read your post and I couldn’t stop myself from reading all of them. I loved your vision, few of your words that stuck with me are ‘nonhuman animals’. That’s a great way of reminding all that humans are animals too and they are being racist if nothing else! By pretending to be more superior than others out there. You’ve inspired me today. thank you
I’m so grateful for your encouraging and thoughtful comment Prerna! Pleased that you’ve found my blog posts interesting and inspiring; that’s precisely my goal. Your kind words are extremely rewarding and energizing. Thank you!
A good dairy cow can produce over 8 gallons of milk a day, and their calf can only drink about a gallon. What should dairy farmers do with the remainder? And what should they do with their calves? Do you want all them to turn into #1500 pets? Get real!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and raising these questions. The high milk production of modern dairy cows is not natural and is the result of selective breeding and intensive management, designed to maximize output for human consumption. It’s worth considering whether the system that creates such overproduction is cruel for the animals involved.
From an ethical perspective, the core issue is the unnecessary cruelty and exploitation of animals in the dairy farming. It inherently involves separating calves from their mothers shortly after birth—a traumatic process for both—and often raising those calves for eventual slaughter if they are male or for future milk production if they are female.
It’s also important to recognize other cruel practices in the dairy industry, including the routine confinement of cows, the use of painful dehorning or disbudding procedures without proper pain relief, and the eventual slaughter of young cows when their milk production declines. Even so-called “humane” farms often do not avoid these harsh realities.
I advocate for a shift away from using animals as commodities altogether. There are many plant-based dairy alternatives available today that provide nutrition and flavor without causing harm to the animals and the environment. By reducing demand for dairy, we can collectively work toward a more compassionate and sustainable system that doesn’t require these unethical practices.
I appreciate your engagement in this discussion—it’s conversations like these that help us all reflect and consider different perspectives on these important issues.
What’s wrong with dairy… EVERYTHING! And you wrote it so well, powerful and bold. I hope that people will read it and take this into consideration when they eat dairy products. Thank you Zahava for making it clear for those who think that being a vegetarian is enough! The dairy industry is the most cruel there is.
Thank you, Zahava, for this very wisely written and well researched article. Like you, I was brought up on the idea that we all needed cow’s milk in order to be healthy. Before I became a vegan, I learned it is often contaminated with pus – what could be more disgusting and unhealthy? I gave it and all of its side products up (including ice cream). The points you make about a mother and her baby are true and are heart-breakers for both that mother/baby pair and for those of us who care. This is so easily solved by delightful plant milks, of which there are many! IT IS NOT DIFFICULT TO BE COMPASSIONATE. Your soul will be much happier knowing you are not contributing to pain, agony and heartache! Please consider giving up cow’s milk products and become a vegan.